Dear PEAI family,

We are excited to announce our relocation to a new facility, effective January 1, 2025.

This move will help us strengthen PEAI's core values and better accommodate our growing student community.

While we understand the new location may mean a longer commute for some families, this change will create a more secure, creative, and collaborative learning environment for your children.

We are deeply grateful for your continued support and trust in our vision.

Thank you for joining us in this exciting NEW CHAPTER of PEAI!


Team PEAI**

▶ 위치

서울시 강남구 삼성로 64길 51

(대치동 977-16)

중등 내신관 : 삼성로 64길 47 1층

(대치동 977-14)


※ 네이버 지도 및 카카오 맵에는 12월 말 적용 예정